Making toys is one of the joys of crochet, but the techniques can confuse even a seasoned yarn artist. Learn how to knit amigurumi with our series of video tutorials to teach you the basics!
Amigurumi is the Japanese art of knitting toys. It is a combination of two Japanese words: Ami, which means knitted or crocheted, and Nigurumi, which means rag doll. Learn how to crochet amigurumi toys with our video tutorials that cover the basics of what you need to know.
Plush Teddy Bear amigurumi Crochet Pattern
Hello friends. Today I am with you with a very beautiful teddy bear amigurumi model. To knit this 35 mm amiguruma, all you need is a little yarn and pattern.
I share with you such a model. First of all, thank you very much for the design @budnikova_toys. I often follow the Instagram page. she has very nice shares. This teddy bear pattern is one of them.
The large size can scare you a little. Yes you are right. It is very difficult to make large amigurums. However, the fact that it is plush makes construction easier. So I recommend trying.
In addition, children prefer large amigurums. Especially young children. As children grow, they begin to enjoy smaller and more detailed amigurumas. It can be a very nice gift for your child to put in the effort for these hot summer days.
I’m happy if you share your photos with me when friends finish amigurumi. If you allow me, I will share it on my blog and social networking sites. Thank you all very much.